How much is immigrant visa fee in Philippines?

The immigrant visa fee in the Philippines varies by type and specific circumstances. For example, Quota Visas may cost around $250, Non-Quota Visas roughly $150, Employment Visas approximately $200, and Special Resident Visas start at $1,400.

How much is immigrant visa fee in Philippines


Overview of Types of Immigrant Visas

In the Philippines, the immigrant visa landscape is characterized by various categories and classifications that serve the diverse needs of foreign nationals aiming to reside in the country. These visas are tailored to suit different purposes, whether it’s for work, family reunification, retirement, or investment.

General Immigrant Visa Fees

Non-Immigrant Visa Fees

Non-Immigrant Visas encompass various visa categories tailored for temporary visits, and each has its distinct fee structure. Here’s a breakdown of some common fees:

  • Tourist Visa: Around $40 for single entry
  • Business Visa: Approximately $50 for single entry
  • Student Visa: Costs may vary but usually around $150
  • Transit Visa: Generally, $20
  • Special Work Permit: Costs can be found on the official website

It is essential to check the specific consulate or embassy for the most accurate and updated fees.

Immigrant Visa Fees

Immigrant Visa Fees are designed for those who intend to reside in the Philippines permanently. Here’s an overview of some of the common fees:

  • Quota Visa: Application fee of around $250
  • Non-Quota Visa: Roughly $150 for the main applicant
  • Employment Visa: Approximately $200, depending on the profession
  • Special Resident Retiree’s Visa: Fees start at $1,400

Again, it’s wise to consult the nearest Philippine embassy or consulate or their official website for precise details.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

In addition to the main visa fees, there may be other costs that applicants should be aware of:

  • Express Processing Fee: An extra charge for expedited services, around $25
  • Notarial Fees: For legalizing documents, typically $30
  • Medical Examination Fees: Costs vary based on requirements
  • Extension of Stay: If applicable, fees can range from $60 to $100


Detailed Breakdown of Immigrant Visa Fees by Type

Visa Type Application Fee Additional Charges Notes
Quota Visas Around $250 May vary Limited in number; usually for skilled professionals or investors
Non-Quota Visas Roughly $150 May vary No numerical limitations; includes visas for family members of Filipino citizens
Employment Visas Approximately $200 May vary Fees can differ based on the profession and employer; includes Pre-Arranged Employment Visa
Special Resident Visas Starts at $1,400 May vary Special categories like retirees, investors, and volunteers; includes Special Resident Retiree’s Visa

Processing Times and Procedures

Application Process

The application process for visas in the Philippines involves several key steps:

  1. Choose the Right Visa Type: Research the different visa options to select the one that best suits your needs.
  2. Prepare the Necessary Documents: Gather all required documents, such as passports, financial statements, medical clearances, and any specific requirements related to the visa type.
  3. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form accurately, either online or by paper, depending on the visa type.
  4. Pay the Applicable Fees: Pay the visa fees at designated payment centers or through online platforms. Make sure to keep the receipts.
  5. Submit the Application: Submit the application and all supporting documents to the nearest Philippine embassy or consulate or through the official Bureau of Immigration website, if applicable.
  6. Attend an Interview if Required: Some visa categories may require a personal interview. It’s vital to be prepared and honest during this process.
  7. Wait for the Decision: The decision will be communicated through official channels, such as email or post.

Approval and Denial Rates

The approval and denial rates for visas can vary widely depending on the visa category, the applicant’s nationality, qualifications, the completeness of the application, and other specific factors.

  • High Approval Rates: Visas such as tourist or business may have higher approval rates for nationals of certain countries.
  • Challenging Categories: Certain categories, such as employment or investment visas, may have more stringent requirements and therefore lower approval rates.

Timeline and Waiting Period

The timeline and waiting period for visa processing in the Philippines can also vary significantly based on the visa type, the volume of applications, and other factors:

  • Tourist Visas: Typically processed within 3-5 business days
  • Employment Visas: May take 2-4 weeks
  • Quota and Non-Quota Visas: Can range from 1-3 months
  • Special Resident Visas: Might take anywhere from 2-6 months

Timeline and Waiting Period

Requirements for Different Visa Categories

Documentation Required

The required documentation can vary widely between different visa categories. Here’s an overview:

  • Passport: Valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay.
  • Visa Application Form: Completed and signed.
  • Photographs: Usually, recent passport-sized photographs are required.
  • Proof of Legal Residence: If applying from a country other than the nationality.
  • Proof of Travel Plans: Such as flight bookings and accommodation reservations.
  • Employment Documents: For work visas, including contracts, employer letters, etc.
  • Marriage and Birth Certificates: For family-related visas.
  • Police Clearance: In some cases, to show no criminal background.

Financial Requirements

Financial requirements ensure that the applicant has sufficient funds for the duration of their stay in the Philippines. These might include:

  • Bank Statements: Showing enough balance to cover the expenses.
  • Income Tax Returns: To demonstrate a stable income source.
  • Affidavit of Support: Particularly for dependents or family-sponsored visas.
  • Investment Documents: For investment-related visas, proof of investment in the Philippines.

Again, specific requirements may vary, and it is wise to consult with the relevant authorities to understand the exact financial documentation needed.

Health and Character Requirements

Health and character requirements ensure that the applicant is in good health and of sound character.

  • Medical Examination: Conducted by designated medical centers to check for contagious diseases or other health concerns.
  • Vaccination Records: If required, based on the nationality and previous travel history.
  • Police Clearance: To ensure no serious criminal convictions. Check the guidelines on the Philippine National Police website for more details.
  • Character References: Some visa categories may require character references or letters of recommendation.
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